
The Executive Board invites to gala dinners twice a year. These events are usually open to the public, and all members are urged to join. In spite of this, guests typically include mostly active volunteers from the associations under the Norwegian Student Society's umbrella as well as specially invited guests from other student societies. Old bigwigs often honour us with their presence on these occasions.
Traditionally there is a gala dinner on the 16th of May, both because it`s a well suited day for festivities (the 17th of may is constitution day and a national holiday), and since the Student Society and it's members were important promoters in the shaping of the national day's celebrations. On the 17th of may, the foreman lays down a wreath by the statue of Henrik Wergeland in Spikersuppa, to honour his efforts towards the celebration.
The second gala dinner is usually around the 2. oktober. On this date, 13 students by the ´Kongelige Frederiks Universitet´ in 1813 founded DNS (The Norwegian Student society). It is by this merit the student society's birthday.
Attire is formal, and the mood may also be quite formal to start off with, but collars and vocal cords often loosen throughout the evening. These are evenings for traditions and style, not for binging!
There is a Norwegian version of this article.
The course of things
The dinner often starts with a reception, traditionally at 18.13. During the initial mingling it will be possible to get your ´grisehale´ (pigtail), which serves both as a decoration and as proof of having attended a gala.
If they run out of pigtails (they always do), you can pick yours up later in the reception at Chateau Neuf.
Dinner follows, and then dancing. The dinner will consist of three courses. Conferences will be held between courses.
During dinner, speeches are given. The traditional ones are: The Foreman's speech, toasts to His Majesty the Pig and His Majesty the King toast tae the Lassies, reply tae the Laddies, and an after dinner speech). In addition to the traditional toasts, friendship associations customarily salutes the hosts and His Majesty the Golden Pig. During these salutes, lost artifacts are often returned.
Good to know before going to a gala
- His Majesty the Golden Pig is DNSs high protector. The Pig has been the society's high protector since « The order of the golden pig» was established in 1859. Salutes to the pig will be held during dinner.
- Conferences will be held with appropriate paperwork.
- Too many speaches are boring. Therefore you cannot speek unless you are the Foreman or specially invited, have something important to say or in other ways manage to convince the toastmaster that hundreds of people will be amused by your performance.
- Bigwigs wear ribbons and medals. People with ribbons and medals are people that have earned these by helping the society, and are to be shown the respect they deserve.
- Since a wreath is to be layed down on Wergeland's statue in the morning of the 17th, there are always some guests who plan to continue through the night, and therefore not risking the danger of oversleeping.
- It`s extremely bad etiquette to become visibly drunk.
- Songs that are sung can be found in the Songbook
Songs and tradition
Yet to be transla
Etiquette for the Ladies
- Your Cavalier shall, under all circumstances, escort you in such a way that you are at all times safe from disturbances and unpleasant incidents.
- During the company's dining, you shall position yourself on the right side of your Cavalier.
- When toasting, perform this first with your Cavalier, then with the gentleman on your right. The toast concludes towards the gentleman sitting directly across the table from you. After the toast is drunk, make eye contact with the gentlemen in the following order: across, right, and finally your Cavalier.
- Your glass must not be turned more than 90 degrees towards your face when toasting.
- You must converse lightly and cheerfully with your Cavalier.
- During speeches and entertainment, let your laughter ring out warmly in the right places.
- Pour your Cavalier a drink - in such a way that he becomes happy and cheerful. You may even give him a kiss on his cheek if you would like.
- If the opportunity arises, you can invite your Cavalier to the ladies' conference rooms.
- Compliment your Cavalier two or three times throughout the evening.
Etiquette for Gentlemen
- Your date shall be guided firmly with your right arm. Outside the banquet hall, the lady is escorted with the left arm, as your main hand must be free, should disturbances and tumults arise.
- In stairs or other uphill terrain, your position should always be in front. In this way, you are ready to catch your woman should she stumble on a step, and to prevent any indecent glimpses of her legs.
- During the company's dining, your date is placed on your right side. When toasting at the set table, toast first with your date, then the lady on your left side, and finally the lady sitting across the table. After the toast is drunk, make eye contact with the ladies in the following order: across, left, and finally your date.
- When toasting, your glass must not be turned more than 90 degrees towards your face.
- Beware! Your date's glass must never be empty.
- You should converse politely and courteously with your date.
- Your laughter should ring loud and manly during speeches and entertaining pleasure.
- You should give your date a minimum of 5 compliments before the evening is over.
- Ensure that your date is not poured too much to drink. However, if you are called to a conference during the event, your date should be brought along.
- Inviting your date to dance after the meal is custom and etiquette.